How To Start a Meditation Practice

I got into meditation as a stress relief mechanism and a way to deal with emotions. With time, it became a truly spiritual practice and such a great way to expand my yoga practice as well.

Meditation isn’t a practice of trying to be a certain way or change anything. It’s a practice of turning inwards, listening and accepting whatever is happening in the moment so that we can support ourselves through whatever is happening in our lives. No matter how hard, disappointing or scary it may feel.

There has been a lot of good scientific research which shows the amazing benefits of meditation in reducing incidence of dementia and Alzheimer’s. When you meditate, your mind becomes more joyful, less fearful, more balanced, you have more clarity and improved ability to make decisions. It connects you to your gut feeling and beyond the thinking mind and into a mindset of knowingness.

This is why I wanted to leave some tips below to anyone who is interested in starting a meditation practice but doesn’t know how.

5 Ways To Start a Meditation Practice

  1. Experiment with different types of meditation: focus meditation, mantra, guided, etc. I’ve been using the Calm app for years now. Be patient and curious and find what works best for you.

  2. Find a quiet space in your house and make time for your practice. When you’re just starting a new habit you want to give yourself time to get into it without worrying about what you need to do next.

  3. Learn to let go, surrender from having to control everything. The point is not to control your thoughts but to be in the moment, to learn how not to let them take over and control you.

  4. Get in the zone. Try some breathing exercises or pre-meditation mantras for a couple of minutes before meditating. My go-to mantras  are: “I am love and I am light”,” I surrender” or “I am at peace”. This really helps to quiet the mind.

  5. Reflect. When you finish your meditation, stay sat for a couple of minutes just observing what’s around you and really appreciate that moment of inner calm. Ease yourself instead of jumping out of your cushion or seat straight away. 

I hope this inspires you to start a meditation practice and find more peace in your life. If you need any additional support send me an email – I’d love to hear from you!

In love and gratitude, always

Vera x


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