My Biggest Advice When It Comes to Emotional Healing

When we go through pain, our automatic reaction is to shut down those negative emotions. When life hits us really hard we hold our tears in and refrain from showing any vulnerability. Because we are so used to keeping our emotions to ourselves, we don’t realise everyone else experiences the same fear, pain and despair.

So, instead of healing each one of these emotions and growing from it, we turn to band-aids like alcohol, drugs, food, shopping and social media. Anything that will take us away from the present moment. What we’re missing out on is on being still! We try so hard to avoid the feelings of anger, shame, grief and unworthiness that we do not allow ourselves to feel ourselves in our pain.

Where to start?

The first step to overcome emotional trauma is to surrender to the fear and pain. Some days it will feel like an impossible task, but it isn’t. It’s only when we surrender to our darkest feelings that we can, not just heal, but rise higher. Without pain there is no growth, without grief there is no love, without fear, there is no courage. Suffering guides our path to the light and guides us to who we came here to become. 

“So even if the hot loneliness is there, and for 1.6 seconds we sit with that restlessness when yesterday we couldn’t sit for even one, that’s the journey of the warrior”.

“That’s great but….how do we surrender?” you ask

  1. Accept that you are a minuscule part of this universe. There is a natural flow that life has to follow. A sacred way in which things are meant to happen. When we understand our place in the Universe we stop fighting the little things as well as cultivate an attitude of believing the Universe is supporting us at every turn.

  2. Start living in the present moment. The past is something you have no control of – it has already happened. The only thing certain about the future is…well, its uncertainty. Fully appreciate the now with an attitude of gratitude. 

  3. Let go of your attachments. When we spend our time trying to control everything in our life it creates a blockage, we become static and removed from our journey and we blindfold our intuition. When things don’t go your way try to change your perspective and notice the freedom that will come from letting go. 

  4. Meditate – stop the constant mind chatter. A consistent meditation practise allows us to turn inward and manage the brain chatter that is the basis of our likes, dislikes, judgements, worries, fear, sadness etc. At the same time, you gain a different perspective as you observe the beauty of the present moment.

If you are having a hard time dealing with your emotions, check my upcoming Women’s Sharing Circles or drop me an email to find out how I can support you.

In love and gratitude, always

Vera x


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