How to Show Up for Yourself – Everyday!

Exercise increases oxygen capacity, bone density (especially for weight based exercises), raises good cholesterol, lowers blood pressure and has been shown to reduce incidence of cardiovascular disease by 50%! But the benefits don’t stop here: it also increases your lean body mass and resting metabolic rate, strengthens the immune system and improves sleep quality.

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to train for a marathon to be physically active. Every flight of stairs and lunchtime walk counts. Regardless of which type of exercise you prefer, physical activity will also support your emotional wellness, reducing anxiety and depression, whilst releasing endorphins (feel good hormones).

We know all this but, still, we find it difficult to show up for ourselves.

Below it’s how I manage to exercise 5 days a week, every week:

  1. Make it fun! One thing I learned about myself is that I need variety so I never repeat a workout. The key is to find different things to keep you fit, explore the exercises that feel like play rather than a chore. Try different gym classes, experiment with running, biking, hiking or dancing for example. A great playlist can also make a huge difference when it comes to finding the motivation you need.

  2. Plan your workouts. How many times did you get all geared up to go to the gym, got there and then did not have a productive workout because you just couldn’t figure out what to do? At the beginning of the week, just take 15 minutes to plan which days and times you will be working out and exactly what exercises you’ll be doing. You can add YouTube links to your planning so you can start exercising at the touch of a button! I usually do 2 days of full-body, 2 days of lower body and 1 day of upper body workouts a week but you should decide what’s best for your needs. If you have a plan you’re most likely to feel like you had a great workout and show up again, day after day.

  3. Shift your perspective. Instead of thinking that you “have” to workout think of it as a gift (because it is!) and, instead, rephrase it to “I GET ” to workout! Be grateful for a healthy working body and move as a celebration of it, not as a punishment. As everyone else, I have days in which I just don’t feel like working out at all. It’s important to listen to your body and decide whether rest will be more beneficial. But if it’s the motivation you’re lacking, make sure you push through that because this is the difference between people who exercise once in a while and those who workout as part of their lifestyle.

  4. Create a routine. If you can, try to pair your exercise with something you already do as part of your routine. For example, I finish work at 16:30 every day so as soon as I switch off my laptop I go downstairs, have a snack and start exercising. I don’t even have to think because my brain is trained to know that after work comes working out! It takes out to decision process which makes it easier to create a habit.

  5. Find accountability. If you struggle to show up consider whether you’d benefit from external accountability. From booking and paying for classes in advance, finding a workout buddy or even only allowing yourself to watch that series you love on the treadmill or static bike, make sure you have a system that will allow you to show up for yourself, even when you’re not feeling it at all! Also, when you surround yourself with people who exercise regularly you will be more likely to stick with it due to the positive influence of those around you.

I really hope this inspires you to find more joy in movement and, as ever, if you have any questions just reach out here.

In love and gratitude, always

Vera x


Low-Fat Pumpkin Pies (ve, gf, refined-sugar free)


Vegan Roasted Tomato & Watercress Frittata (ve, gf)